Section A and Section B
North-East and North-West Elevation
South-West and South-East Elevation


Höga Kusten, Sweeden

Conceptual Project

Counterpoint - A man made object to celebrate nature by using and reusing it, showing it and experiencing it into the extreme. There is no place in the world where you can see the power of the Holocene as well as in the Swedish region Höga Kusten. The area increases in height eight millimeters a year. Eight millimeters! Can you imagine that? It's as fast as your thumbnail grows. Counterpoint gives you the opportunity to experience this primal power. Counterpoint is a 4 meter thick wall with a height of 200 meters. The wall just looks like it's cut out of Omneberget, and put back reversed. Be amazed. Take a walk on Counterpoint, stay overnight or do some research. Or stare. Just stare and feel like a little man in this enormous